
Yasb reborn configuration set up experience

Yasb reborn repository

Yasb is a windows status bar like Linux gnome bar, Foss and configurable almost everthing There are all configurable files:

  • config.yaml
  • styles.css
  • theme.json and a log file:
  • yasb.log all files are in C:/Users/{username}/.config/yasb/



  • Nerd Fonts. Install Nerd Fonts (JetBrainsMono recommended)
  • Windows 10 & 11



  • Visit official wiki and browse the page
  • You can choose to use a theme files shared by others

I choose to use a theme file and configure of that when I started, named Yasb 001 Theme.

Oh you can find theme files on yasb theme repo

Install theme

  • Download theme files then unzip
  • Selecte config.yaml styles.css theme.json copy and overwrite to C:/Users/{username}/.config/yasb/
  • enjoy theme!

There is my config.yaml

My configuration require this styles.css

There are screen settings in cofiguration line 12 and 56

screens: ['H24T09P']

screens: ['DISPLAY2']

If you have only one screen, you shoud delete line 54 ~ line 92


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